Crickets can be a huge problem, especially here in Texas. They get into your house and can be quite difficult to find and get rid of. Plus the cricket’s chirping can be super annoying - we’ve all been there looking for that random cricket inside the house.
What types of crickets enter the house?
There are numerous types of crickets:
- House Cricket
- Field Cricket
- Mole Cricket
- Camel Cricket
Though crickets are all over the United States, we’ll talk specifically about the house cricket, field cricket, and camel cricket since these are the most common here in Texas.

House Crickets
The house cricket’s name comes simply from the fact that it often gets into houses where they have been seen to survive indefinitely. They can also enter in large numbers.
The adults get to about ⅞” and are light yellow-brown with 3 dark crossbands on the head.
During warm weather months, house crickets will typically live outdoors and prefer garbage dumps - gross. They often enter the home looking for moisture; this is a common theme with pests. When the house cricket gets into your house, they’ll usually hide in dark warm places during the day.
House crickets like to chew on fabrics - silk, wool, cotton, and synthetic products (acetate, viscose, and triacetate). Clothes that have been perspired on are especially attractive to house crickets - double gross.
Because they are a nocturnal insect, you typically don’t see them during the day. And, of course, they have the distinct chirping sound. That’s the male rubbing his front wings together. The male’s “calling song” is meant to attract female crickets.

Field Crickets
Field crickets are very common. Here in Texas, their populations typically explode rapidly starting in August. These crickets are known to cause serious destruction to crops - which is where their name comes from.
They do not survive indoors for long periods will usually die off by winter. But like the house cricket, once indoors, they like to feed on fabrics - especially when soiled with perspiration or food.
Fully grown, the field cricket gets to about 1 ⅛” long. They are typically black but have can sometimes be brownish. Their antenna is typically longer than their body.

Camel Cricket
These are certainly the creepiest looking crickets haunting the dreams of anyone so unfortunate to come across them - in my opinion...
Camel crickets get their name from, well, it’s obvious, isn’t it? These crickets like being around caves and rocky terrain, and are typically found under stones. Camel crickets can also be found in cool, moist areas such as under stones, mulch, railroad ties, debris, and woodpiles. Other popular hiding places for camel crickets are pipes, under A/C units, and sheds.
Growing to about 1 ¼”, they are a light to dark brown color and are nocturnal pests. Camel crickets often invade homes and businesses when it becomes hot and dry outside.
Why do I have crickets in my house?
Crickets are small, so they can get in through tiny openings in your home. One reason why you have crickets trying to get in your home may be your outdoor lighting. Heavy outdoor lighting can attract crickets. Consider using yellow outdoor lights to reduce your chances of getting them in the home.
Door sweeps can also help keep crickets from getting inside the house. These are typically easy to install and can also prevent a wide range of other insects from getting in.
Sticky traps around the garage can help catch crickets. Traps should be placed in areas where they will not affect kids and pets.
Remove any clutter around the home as these are good hiding places for crickets. You also want to seal any gaps to your home. Gaps in pipe penetrations, window frames, and A/C lines are easy ways for crickets to get into your house.
Where do crickets hide inside the house?
Crickets will usually be found under appliances. They like cool, damp places. They are also notorious for hiding behind the toe kick of bathroom and kitchen cabinets. Once you have a few in there, it’s very difficult to get them out.
Identifying the type of cricket is critical to treatment. Though crickets are not harmful to people, you certainly want them handled by a professional pest control company like The Bug Master.