Is Professional Pest Control Service For Me?

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  • Pest control in Austin is a year round ordeal.
  • You don’t want to have insects, bugs, spiders, roaches, scorpions…
  • You want to have predictable and consistent results
  • You want to do all of this while minimizing treatment (not intuitive, I know)
Don’t want bugs:

The first and most obvious reason is that you want to get rid of bugs. A professional pest service, once established, means that you should see very few if any bugs inside your house. Along with our pest prevention programs, if someone does have a concern, they have full access to the knowledge of our office and our pest control folks. We will even come back and retreat between services at no additional charge.

Consistent results:

There is peace of mind in knowing that you aren’t going to see ants in your house, or find a scorpion in your living room. I find most people who don’t want bugs in their house today, aren’t keen on them being there in 4 months either. A pest program lets you set your expectations, and ensure that you get those results all the time.

Minimizing treatment:

A lot of people think that the best way to minimize their exposure to pesticide or the exposure of their kids, pests, family, etc. is to only treat when a problem comes up. In reality nothing could be further from the truth. Sure, if you never treat, that is the absolute minimum exposure, but that comes along with bugs and you wouldn’t likely be reading this if that was the option you were going for.

So, here is the deal. The way a good pest service works, is it keeps pests to a minimum. The bigger the population, the more treatment that is necessary for control. If the population stays pretty low, light applications and targeted treatments are very effective.

An added bonus here: that the majority household pests really live outside, and the ones you see inside are just strays. That means that treating inside for these kind of pest problems, isn’t really helpful, and therefore, isn’t really necessary.

An effective professional pest control service should mean that treating inside in almost all situations is unnecessary.What better way to keep your family away from pesticide than not treating inside?

Thanks for reading and if you have questions you’d like answered I’m sure other folks do as well so feel free to ask any question you have and I’ll give you the best answer I know!