Pest Control Austin TX: Getting Rid of Ants
I can’t tell you how many times my friends have asked me about getting rid of ants this time of year. This year is probably worse than usual. With the large amounts of recent rain, there has been a good bit of insect activity overall, especially small black ants. Generally there are many different pest control round rock TX actions we can take to minimize these small black ants in and around our home. Some are easier said than done, but all these steps are totally attainable for anyone who is willing to spend a few minutes. I bet if you are not a pest control round rock TX customer and you’re seeing small black ants all over a room in your house you can come up with a few minutes to spend getting rid of ants.
1) The first thing you do is get out some loppers or a chainsaw, depending on your affinity or possible aversion toward power tools and the fun they bring. I’m going to go out on a limb and recommend the power tool, just because they’re fun. Trim back all foliage and trees from the house. Your ornamentals might not look like it but, they are highways for ants and other pests (roaches, spiders, scorpions) to reach your home and find a path inside. Also keep the lawn mower running, and mow often. An overgrown yard will bring lots of bug problems. Then, you need to make sure the soil grade is lower than the slab around the home. Make sure you can clearly see the slab all the way around, depending on the construction this may or may not be possible, but see what you can do. Taking these steps will help to create a barrier between your living space and ants. By the way, this step is also a great suggestion if you are concerned with termites. These steps will help you to see termite activity, helping you identify an infestation.
2) Keep entry points to a minimum. This is a tough one, but a little caulk goes a long way. Seal up any cracks and crevices that may allow pests from the outside into your home. Weep holes are a good place to start. You can use steel wool to plug up any weep holes around the structure and prevent ants from getting inside.
3) Cleanliness is next to “antlessness”. Ants really aren’t too complicated. They are looking for food, water, and shelter. Your kitchen is a great place for the food. Any sugar spilt while fixing your coffee will lure ants in, so be sure to wipe down kitchen surfaces with household cleaners and limit temptations for ants. Don’t feed the ants.
4) Another reason for cleanliness when considering how to get rid of ants is pheromone trails. Pheromone trails are their method of communication. While ants are out looking for resources, they lay down a pheromone trail for others to follow. This is why we see trails of ants to the picnic basket and back to the colony. Household cleaners will destroy the pheromone trail, helping to prevent other ants from the colony from finding their way back. This is very important when getting rid of ants.
These are all fairly easy home maintenance activities that will reduce you and your family’s exposure to ants and other pests. If these steps have been taken but you are still having issues it may be time to introduce a treatment plan. However you decide to implement a treatment, if you’re a do-it-yourselfer just remember the 5th step below. Any professional will tell you that this is just as important as all the rest.
5) Find the source. Ants have a Queen and she is running the show; she’s a bit shy and will be hiding deep in the nest surrounded by her colony. You need to locate the source in order to have a successful treatment.
If you would like a service expert’s help to get rid of ants, please contact The Bug Master and we would be happy to offer a free inspection and bid for service to pest control round rock TX customers.