Rodent Diseases

Rodents are a common pest to encounter. Thankfully the signs of a rodent infestation are easy to spot. Rodents tend to live in dark, hard-to-reach places making them difficult to remove. A rodent problem needs to be taken care of quickly as they propagate rapidly if left alone. The faster you deal with a rodent problem the cheaper it will be to remove them. Rodents are not a pest you should ignore as they often spread diseases and are generally unsanitary to have in a home.

What Are Common Rodent Diseases

Rodents are known to carry and spread disease. In fact, rodents spread one of the worst diseases in human history, but contrary to popular belief rodents do not carry or spread rabies. Do not underestimate how unsanitary rodents can be and do not handle rodents yourself.

Rat Bite Fever: This is caused by bites or scratches from mice and rats. The fevers will return periodically up to several months after the incident.

The Bubonic Plague: One of the most catastrophic diseases to ever hit mankind. Regular hygiene habits usually keep the bacteria from causing as much devastation. Being bitten by or handling a mouse or rat with the disease will cause your breathing and circulatory system to be attacked directly.

Hantavirus: Is notorious for causing severe renal issues, flu symptoms, and breathing difficulties. Primarily transmitted through rat and mouse urine or feces, this is one of the most dangerous rodent based diseases.

Tularemia: Caused by handling a diseased rodent, being bitten by a parasite carrier, or by consuming tainted food or water. Symptoms include skin ulcers, swollen glands, eyes with discharge, breathing problems, and muscle pains.

Salmonellosis: Can be spread by ingesting mice and rat droppings. This is usually caused by rats and mice leaving their feces in food or where food is prepared. Salmonella will cause intense stomach pains and other digestive problems.

Lyme Disease: Is carried by any type of rodent. It is spread through ticks that rodents can track in, and it can cause lesions on your skin, and symptoms like the flu.

Rodents as Parasite Carriers

Rodents can spread disease on their own, but they also carry parasites or insects that also spread disease.

Rodents can often carry fleas which will latch onto humans and pets to take blood.

Another parasite that are often carried by rodents are ticks. These bugs feast on blood and are highly likely to carry their own tick-borne diseases.

Lice are often found in rodent fur and can quickly spread to your body hair and scalp to feed on blood.

Rats and mice also commonly carry mites that can cause irritation or carry their own diseases.

All these parasites spread and reproduce quickly. This can mean your rodent infestation has now also become an insect infestation. As this creates an unsanitary set of conditions, it is critical to prevent rodent spread.

Preventing Rodent Diseases

The best way to avoid diseases spread by rodents is to keep rodents out of your house. Ensure there are no gaps in the seals of windows and doors rodents might slip through. Keeping your house clean will also reduce the spread of disease and make any rodent droppings easy to spot. Vigilantly looking for any signs of rodents will let you react as quickly as possible should rats or mice move in.

Creating a Rodent Free home

Rodents may be common, but that doesn’t mean they are benign. A rodent infestation needs to be dealt with quickly to prevent the rats or mice from spreading illnesses. If you see any vermin droppings, call a professional to evaluate and deal with the problem. Exposure to rat droppings can have negative effects. Should you end up with a mouse bite, seek medical attention immediately.

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