Pest Control Austin

ecosmart 210x212In the awesome world we live in, protecting the environment is becoming a major concern for a lot of people. This is especially true for the growing city and surrounding area of Austin Texas. There are many ways to create a successful pest control plan that will protect people, pets and property and at the same time not destroy the environment we live in.

Pest Control Austin Styleis really no different than it is in any other major metropolitan area. Start with a good thorough inspection of the property and see if there are conducive conditions that can be eliminated. By eliminating these conditions you can eliminate the need to increase pesticide applications. Standing water, debris such as leaves that have accumulated, vegetation that is overgrown or growing too close to the structure are just a few of the things that can lead to an infestation of many types of insects and rodents. Eliminate the areas where pest can hide and prolific ate and you have just reduced the need for extra pesticide applications.

Another part of your inspection should be looking for access points. Look for screens with holes and replace as necessary. Look for gaps around doors and windows and seal those areas. Cracks in caulking and brick mortar allow pest to enter exterior wall voids and in short order they are inside your living environment where you will be tempted to reach for a can of bug spray. Find these entry points and eliminate as many as possible is just another way of doing pest control Austin Style.

When pests are found sometimes relocating them is an option. Honey Bees for instance can sometimes be relocated by a professional bee keeper. When the bees have been relocated, the old honey combs can then be cleaned out and the entry point(s) then sealed off to prevent re-entry. Of course larger critters can be relocated as well. Raccoons, squirrels, opossums, and the like can be trapped in live catch traps and relocated to an area where they can roam free without causing harm to your structure. When the animal is removed and relocated far away the entry points can then be closed off to prevent re-entry by the same type of animals.

I mentioned vegetation earlier. Vegetation can be big problem when trying to eliminate pests from your environment. Be sure to keep the shrubs trimmed to where they are not contacting the structure. Grass should be kept mowed and trimmed away from your building. Trees should be trimmed away from the roof line as much as six to eight feet to prevent rats and squirrelsfrom jumping onto the roof. Think of the vegetation as a roadway or bridge that can lead straight to your living environment. Trim that vegetation and make it easier for those pests to go somewhere else besides your world.

Many times using a pesticide is required. When you find yourself in the market for a pesticide start with the “greener” options first. Boric Acid has a very low toxicity to humans and pets but is an excellent choice many times for roaches and ants. There are new products on the market every day that are derived from plant oils. Again safer for you and your loved ones but they provide quick knock down for crawling and flying insects. Keep in mind that while a pesticide may be “green” or “organic” it is still a poison and should be treated as such. Like I tell my wife, poison ivy is organic but don’t want that around my house.

Try these few tips and check back for more ways to do pest control Austin Style.

  • Frequent thorough inspections to identify areas that can lead to pest infestation
  • Repair worn screens and thresholds
  • Seal all cracks and crevices to eliminate pest entry
  • Relocate pests when possible to lower the need for treatment
  • Trim vegetation away from the structure to prevent pest access
  • Use earth friendly products first and foremost when treatment is required