Mosquito-Borne Diseases in Texas

Mosquito borne diseases

As the summer months approach and mosquitoes become more common in Texas, it is important to stay informed about common mosquito diseases in Texas and to take the necessary precautions to limit exposure to prevent bites.

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8 Mosquito Repellent Plants

Mosquito Repellent Plants

As the warmer months come closer, mosquitoes will start to become a more prevalent problem. Although mosquitoes are attracted to the sweat and body odor of humans, they are discouraged by certain strong scents that grow naturally in certain plants. With the risk of contracting the many diseases and viruses that mosquitoes spread, finding a solution to keep these pests away is key. Luckily, mosquitoes are deterred by a plethora of plants that can easily be planted in your yard, such as Basil or Catnip.

Want to know more about the plants that can easily be planted to discourage mosquitoes? Here are 8 plants that keep mosquitoes away from you and your property

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The Mosquito Life Cycle

A swarm of mosquitos - grab the bug spray! 3D render.

As these stages are easily distinguished by their special appearance, we will be providing information on each stage to help you identify where in the life cycle the mosquito is.

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